The tips to follow are both for you and myself- a daily, weekly, or monthly check log of how to cope, laugh, and discover. Take them as you please, but please don't think… just do (Refer to Travel Tip #1.) Any ideas are welcomed too... I'll be sure to try them out and then write another prolonged blog on how it did/didn't work out (See Travel Tip #6.)
In other words, my travel gift for you is:
Travel Tip #2: Do something that makes you uncomfortable.
This could be when you're spontaneously asked by an acquaintance, who they themselves already makes you feel uncomfortable and the thought of joining them publicly or worse, privately anywhere makes you unbearably uncomfortable of the idea... just do it and pray and hope that you will meet someone else! For me, this came in the form of a text message while at work- "Hi, I saw your name listed under co-ed softball sign-up's. Would you like to play on our team?" Going solely off of the fact that the text was correctly punctuated and free of abbreviated three letter acronyms, I said, "Yes!" I showed up that night at the sight of 5 rallied bikers with shaved heads, adorned beards to the middle of their chests, and enough tattoos to make me feel out of place- also, a rare moment. I sat on the bench questioning if they were indeed my team, when sure enough one belched after a swig of his beer, "Any girls here to play with us?" I proceeded to stand up in my braided pigtails with matching ribbon and pink shorts. On occasion, these are my Friday nights.
Travel Tip #3: Look for a way to create change and improve the place you're in.
Simply enough, make where you are a better place by being there yourself. It becomes harder to allow the change to happen to yourself, rather than creating it on our own. The change to yourself will be inevitable and in exchange, you will have changed a life.
Travel Tip #4: Do one thing solo that ignites your passion.
Don't have a passion? This is impossible. Think of a time that you felt any kind of emotion whether it was thrilling, evocative, or shakingly heartfelt to the core. This/she/him is your passion, go after it.
Travel Tip #5: Dress-up and go out without any e x p e c t a t i o n s.
I'm talking, dress to the nines in your Trina Turk floral lace pattern, complimented with Kate Spade bangles, and accompanied with too-high Steve Madden platforms (all at a bargained steal) and forget about the rest. For the men, look sharp and dap on another scent of your best cologne.
Travel Tip #6: Don't say no to just about anything- learn to say yes.
To be frank, this one has gotten me into trouble on several different occasions... Still, statistically it works 8/10 times. 80%, not bad!
Travel Tip #7: Visit the dog shelter.
This is a cheap afternoon and will leave you feeling incredibly loved. Then go back and get one when you finally leave your apartment!
Travel Tip #8: Take a chance with someone.
I realize this is vague; it should be.
Travel Tip #9: Remember everyone you have encountered who has left an impression on your heart.
Then send them something to brighten their day saying exactly that. Don't lose these connections, they're more important than you'd believe when you're 2,000 miles away and further in thought.
Travel Tip #10: Give someone you met before a second chance.... or even a third.
This is hard. And I believe always a working progress, but still worthwhile. My only advice here is make sure they in some way lift your day in your response to try to do the same for theirs.
Travel Tip #11: Sing like no one can hear you.
You don't have to do this one, I just think it is fun : )
Travel Tip #12: Thank God you made it through another day with Him.
This perhaps carries the most importance and I’ll be the first to say it’s usually the one I forget to do, especially at the end of a bad day. I have struggled with the thought of independence and mostly whether I like the thought of being totally “independent” while on my own or if it’s how I am suppose to be at this point. This however is overrated and a foolish statement because nothing I do is independent, but instead with God even when I’m not open to it I suppose.
Travel Tip #13: Turn off your GPS and drive.
It’s best to get lost in a new place,- Oh, right, because that is impossible! More so, this becomes the perfect excuse for a directionally challenged person like myself.
Travel Tip #14: Make friends over the age of 40 at work.
They know so much and they’re not your parents, so of course they’re right. But really, these people may take you under their wing, and that’s the next best thing. Otherwise, these people are the key to your future success so make sure you show them how much you care.
Travel Tip #15: Create your own beach.
This doesn’t have to be sand or waves if you don’t live a block from it : ) . Whatever it is, take advantage of it before it slips away. Tomorrow could be your next move.
Travel Tip #16: Find a Rock.
This is not a cheesy, hippy slogan or an intent to find a Wilson in your castaway-like state. No, this is someone to be your go-to support. From venting a crummy day at work to sharing the best part of your day- they’re there. Find this person as early on- someone you once trusted, someone you’ve just met, someone states away, or someone you’d never expect (Refer to Tip #10.)
Travel Tip #17: Make cheap travel plans. Then if it turns out they’re not cheap, still make them.
I can’t stress this one enough as it has even evolved into a discrete pet peeve of mine. When given the option, spend your money on the moment with people not things.
Travel Tip #18: Put your whole heart into something even if it’s not someone.
Travel Tip #19: Make a Feast.
I know what you are thinking and yes, even if it’s for yourself. Sear chicken breasts, steam veggies, and hand press your own pasta in a garlic cream sauce. Of course, while drinking your favorite drink. Someday it’ll be for someone else, and you’ll want to be ready!
Travel Tip #20: Delve into a project. One without a due date.
Travel Tip #21: Take a moment to look around and think of how blest you are.
Make time. Always make time for this one and others.
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